About us

Invex is a Norwegian holding company established in 1996. We have offices in Oslo and London. Invex is established and owned 100% by Gudleiv Bjørklund.

Our philosophy is to be an active investor in businesses for long-term returns – by either buying controlling stakes or co-investing with partners for control.

We currently have 12 employees and boast a diversified portfolio with 20 investments. We have around 600 employees in 34 offices spread over 16 countries.

In 2024, our consolidated turnover will reach around NOK 1.5 billion with a balance sheet around NOK 1 billion.







Through 25 years of experience, Invex has gained valuable experience in improving performance and shareholder value for companies across industries and borders.

Today we are seven highly skilled people who develop and advice our portfolio of companies.


CEO Gudleiv Bjørklund

"We provide valuable support to management teams in developing and executing their business plans"

What we’re talking about is industrial development – an exciting, yet demanding field. The key is to handle growth and conversion in a satisfying way. We find this to be true in every process – from helping businesses in the midst of change or reconstruction to bigger acute challenges.